Why did you join the AI Recruitment Academy Caterpillar Program?

I was at a point where I needed to explore my potential, acquire new skills for recruitment, challenge myself while identifying my strengths and weaknesses as someone who wanted to pursue recruitment full-time in the future. 

What did the program provide you?

The Caterpillar program gave me tools to help with talent-sourcing and useful approaches to network with potential clients. Not only that, we had weekly meetings that inspired growth and development both professionally and in our personal lives. I always appreciated the learning experience given to us by our mentor.

Above all, I was provided the opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge from the classroom in real life. I now know how some of these theories actually play out in the real world of recruitment.

What do you think about the tools and playbooks provided by the AI Recruitment Academy and ReadyFly teams?

The tools and playbooks provided by AI Recruitment Academy and ReadyFly teams were brilliant, efficient, and effective tools that helped me succeed in my tasks. These tools were highly functional and we were trained adequately to understand these tools which translated into us attracting top-tier talent.

How did the Caterpillar program and the ReadyFly team help you further along in your career?

The Caterpillar Program helped me to learn to collaborate with people more at my workplace. I did not always have the confidence to take initiative or make suggestions that would be beneficial to the team but after working three months with our mentor and teammates at ReadyFly, I am better equipped for the job market.

The program has also pushed me to pursue my passion and continue to look for roles in recruitment to apply these talent-sourcing skills.

What advice would you give to future AI Recruitment Academy Caterpillar students?

To future Caterpillar students, I’d say this is a life-changing experience in which you should fully immerse yourself. Every task is an opportunity to learn, grow, and develop yourself. It is a well-rounded experience that not only helps you build your career in talent acquisition but teaches personal development too. More importantly, enjoy your time and make lifetime friends in the academy.

Can you share a specific moment or experience during the Caterpillar Program that stands out as a turning point in your professional development?

A moment that stands out is when my weekly targets were low for a while but I was not cast down by anyone rather I was motivated by my mentor to keep pushing and keep learning eventually my numbers were up too.

I learned a valuable lesson to inspire others when they are down. Also, be confident and do the work. Put in the maximum effort and you are likely to yield good results. I remember our mentor said to me “Lily, Don’t just work hard, Work Smart”. True Words!

How did the Caterpillar community contribute to your overall experience?

The Caterpillar community allowed me to connect with my fellow interns and I can say today that though we have never met in person we have friendships formed. Also, the mentorship from the recruiting experts encouraged me to pursue my passion in recruitment. It was indeed a shared experience that was fulfilling and will not be forgotten. The Caterpillar community has been pivotal to my experience.

Thank you Lily for letting us tell your story and we’re cheering for you!