Why did you join the AI Recruitment Academy Caterpillar Program?
I joined the Caterpillar Programme in order to begin my career within the recruitment industry. I had made the decision that this was the industry I was passionate about, and needed an opportunity to gain experience.
What did the program provide you?
The programme taught me a great deal about using LinkedIn to connect with talent, it also taught me some great communication skills which are essential in this industry.
What do you think about the tools and playbooks provided by the AI Recruitment Academy and ReadyFly teams?
I think ReadyFly has an awesome modern approach to recruitment. I learnt a lot about having a forward-thinking approach from the team.
How did the Caterpillar program and the ReadyFly team help you get a full-time job with SydSen Recruit?
Not only did my time at Readyly give me the confidence to start my official career in recruitment, having that experience on my CV was the reason I secured an interview with my current employers. I am forever grateful for this!
What advice would you give to future AI Recruitment Academy Caterpillar students?
To the future Caterpillar students, I advise that you make the absolute best of the programme and put your all into it, learn as much as you can and soak up the knowledge the team has to provide.
Can you share a specific moment or experience during the Caterpillar Program that stands out as a turning point in your professional development?
During the programme, one of your assignments is to virtually meet with other Caterpillars and ask each other questions about one another. This really taught me the importance of getting to know those around you and the connections that come from simple questions.
How did the Caterpillar community contribute to your overall experience?
It was great being able to communicate with other Caterpillars and share the experience with people who all have different goals and aspirations, it was an opportunity to meet others that are on a similar path to you and learning about the reasons everyone had for becoming Caterpillars in the programme.
Thank you Caitlyn for letting us tell your story and we’re cheering for you!